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WOC is a very functional chanel bag. This video gives you some very useful tips about how to wear and keep this little beauty. Hope it helps. .. Read More
In this video, the man shared his essential chanel bag selection with us. GST XL, Mini Classic Flap, WOC and Mini Flap, all of them are classic chanel bags. Chanel has so many beautiful collections, h.. Read More
Chanel classic flap bag has a variety of sizes, and you can always find one fit you better. This video shows your the different mini, small and medium sizes, and also gives you some good suggestion ab.. Read More
This vedio gives us a vivid expression about the difference of the two chanel iconic bags:chanel reissue flap and chanel classic flap, as well as the size difference between reissue 225 vs classic med.. Read More
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Posted by James Wong

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